Field Trip Information

Welcome to Anderson Orchard Field Trips.
Our field trips are fun and educational. Field trips are unstructured. The cost is $5.00
per person. Included in this price is a 1/4 peck of apples, which you pick in Anderson Orchard
supplied bags, and a small cup of cider. It is a good idea to schedule your field trips a month
or two in advance, because the days fill up quickly. October 15th is the last day field trips
will be available. Any later, the children cannot reach the apples on the trees.
[View recent Field Trip Pictures]
Reservations are required. The reservation form can be emailed, faxed, or mailed to us. Space
fills up quickly; the sooner you make your reservation, the better your chances are of getting the date and
time you want.
[Make your Field Trip Reservations online]
On the reservation form, please list if you will be traveling in buses and/or cars and how many of
each. This would include all chaperones and parent’s vehicles, even if they are only meeting the
group at the orchard and no children are riding with them. This will help us to establish where
we should have your group park, in order to keep you all together. Parking is only necessary to
check in, and driving through the orchard is not only an option, but encouraged.
Chaperones and parents do not have to pay the field trip price unless they want to pick apples. They
are required to pick only in Anderson Orchard supplied bags.
Picnic Areas
Picnic areas are available if you want to bring a snack or a sack lunch. Please let us know on the
reservation form if this is something you are planning to do. Please put trash in trash containers;
this helps keep the bees to a minimum. Trash bags are available.
A cup of cider is included with the $5.00 fee. If you prefer, you can take the cider back
to school. If you wish to drink it at the orchard, we do have picnic areas available.
Collecting Money
It is very helpful to us if one teacher can collect all the money from the students. This allows
for better organization of distributing the bags. One teacher can bring in the money and then
distribute all the bags to the students.
Restrooms are available but limited.
Important Information
Since we do not offer a structured trip, we really depend on parents and teachers for supervision.
We hope that the points listed below will allow your children to have a safe and enjoyable experience at
Anderson Orchard.
- Please respect the trees and apples.
- Everyone must pick in Anderson Orchard supplied bags.
- No climbing the trees.
- Feel free to sample the apples while picking.
- Bee stings rarely happen, but please come prepared with medication if you have a child that is allergic.
Our main concern is your safety.